Dyad Strategies Updates Model Hazing Policy
Pensacola, FL - Today, Dyad Strategies announced the release of their Model Hazing Policy.
PENSACOLA, FL - Dyad Strategies announced the release of their updated Model Hazing Policy today. The model policy, first developed in 2014, has been updated to bring its section on reporting hazing into compliance with he new requirements recently passed in the Stop Campus Hazing Act.
“Too many campuses do not have hazing policy beyond simply listing hazing as a prohibited behavior in their student code” said Gentry McCreary, CEO of Dyad Strategies. “For years, we have been advocating for stand-alone hazing policies and utilizing this model policy in our campus hazing investigation and adjudication trainings. The recent updates to the Clery Act make it absolutely clear – campuses need to have a stand-alone hazing policy.”
The Stop Campus Hazing Act requires campuses to publish their hazing policy, and that policy must include a definition of hazing, how to report hazing, and investigative and adjudication procedures for addressing hazing.
The model hazing policy is built around an independent investigator model, and is written to seamlessly overlap with the Dyad Model Code for Student Organizations Misconduct [Found Here]. The model hazing policy also contains sections on self-reporting, amnesty, and retaliation.
“We are happy to provide this free resource to campuses in need of a place to start in beefing up their hazing policies to comply with the new law,” Gentry McCreary added. “The model hazing policy, when used in combination with the model code, goes beyond the new federal requirements and provides a comprehensive framework for how campuses respond to, investigate and adjudicate hazing.”