Model Code of Student Organization Conduct

This project was undertaken as an organic response to a number increasingly clear trends in the higher education landscape.


The Model Code of Student Organization Conduct

First, our team observed inconsistencies in the manner in which campuses investigated and adjudicated student organization misconduct. Few campuses have stand-alone organizational processes and either create them when the need arises or attempt to overlay individual student codes of conduct onto the organizational process. Neither of these approaches constitute sound professional practice.

Second, our team observed heightened tension between campuses and inter/national fraternity and sorority headquarters regarding the manner in which cases of student organization misconduct were investigated and adjudicated. During the three years leading up to the publication of this model Code of Student Organization Conduct, we observed an increased number of inter/national fraternity headquarters continuing recognize undergraduate chapters, even after those chapters lost University/College recognition.

This proliferation of unrecognized groups occurred in part because inter/national fraternity headquarters perceived a fundamental lack of fairness and due process in the investigation and adjudication of alleged organizational misconduct. 

This model code is presented against the backdrop of a series of student deaths related to their involvement in campus student organizations.

More effective and consistent models of investigating and adjudicating student organization misconduct can help make campuses safer and allow us to more effectively addressing the dangerous behaviors being perpetrated by some campus student organizations. 

We offer this model Code of Student Organization Conduct as an attempt to provide consistency in terms of how campuses investigate and adjudicate organizational misconduct, and as an attempt to limit the number of cases ending with decisions by students, their advisors and their inter/national governing bodies to continue underground, unrecognized operations because of their (often well-founded) concerns over due process and fundamental fairness.

We hope you and your campus find this Model Code helpful as you navigate the turbulent waters of student organization conduct, and we stand ready if we can be of any assistance in your implementation of this Model Code.


The Model Code Project Team



Download the Model Code for

Student Organization Misconduct

(Model Policy Only)

 (Including Sanction Rubric and Flow Chart)

Dyad Model Policy Webinar

The policy development team recently conducted a webinar to discuss the model code and best practices associated with the code.

 To download the slide deck click the link below