Dyad Strategies
Whitepaper 2022

The Impact of Recruitment Timing and Structure on Fraternity
& Sorority Chapter Culture


Introduction and Overview

Who joins fraternities and sororities? Why do they join? How do the joining processes on  college campuses impact who joins and, more importantly, who does not join? And how do all of  these things ultimately impact the culture of fraternity and sorority chapters?  

These are the questions at the heart of the 2022 Dyad Strategies Whitepaper. The answers to  these questions should be of the highest importance to FSL professionals seeking to align the  fraternity/sorority experience with the changing expectations of host campuses and to prepare  fraternity and sorority chapters for seismic demographic shifts on college campuses over the next decade. Ultimately, the pipeline of students joining fraternities and sororities is arguably the  single most important factor influencing the culture of fraternity and sorority chapters. Our ability  to influence culture is contingent upon our ability to influence that pipeline. 

In this whitepaper, we will examine motivation to join, intent to join, recruitment style, timing and  structure and how all of these things are interconnected and ultimately influence the culture of  fraternity and sorority chapters. The goal of this whitepaper is to provide data to inform  conversations within higher education about the timing and structure of recruitment processes  on college and university campuses.  


Download the Dyad Strategies whitepaper 2022